Current Member

Olimpia Tammaro

PhD Student

Office: ISIS 2.25
Telp: +33 368 855 211

Olimpia Tammaro graduated in Materials Engineering from the University of Naples “Federico II” (Italy) in 2016, with a thesis focused on the synthesis and characterization of TiO2-Melanin hybrid nanoparticles for antimicrobial purpose. Since November 2016, she is a Ph.D. candidate at University of Naples “Federico II” - Department of Chemical Engineering, Materials and Industrial Production and fellow at Center for Advanced Biomaterials for Healthcare (CABHC@IIT-Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia) coordinated by Prof. P.A. Netti.

Her research has been devoted to the nanotechnologies in the medical field. Starting from her background in materials engineering, she studied hybrid nanosystem pHEMA-SiO2, during the bachelor work thesis, moving to hybrid TiO2-Melanin nanoparticles during the master thesis - supervisor Prof. G. Luciani (UNINA). Currently, her research project is focused on the development of microfluidic platforms to design nanostructures with improved multi-modal imaging properties and theranostic abilities, under the supervision of PhD Enza Torino. In particular her attention is focused on the possibility to combine different diagnosis techniques such as MRI and Optical Imaging in a unique polymeric nanovector. Indeed, the encapsulation of CAs and Dyes inside a polymeric tailored nanostructure leads to increase efficacy and, potentially, decrease side effects. Thanks to a microfluidic approach, the tunability of process parameters makes it possible to modulate nanoparticles features, obtain desired relaxometric properties and fluorescence signals without any chemical modification of the payload agents. Her research interest involves also the development of new contrast agents for Magnetic Resonance Imaging exploiting the Hydrodenticity theory.

In 2017 she was involved in the first edition of StarShip Programme – an EIT Health educational initiative in collaboration with leading European health industrial partners. During the one-year long program, she learned a proven, action-based approach to find solution to industry challenges, verifying user requirements and identifying potentially unmet needs in the health context, in close collaboration with key industrial players and leading local EIT Health innovating institutions.

She is also involved in the development of a spin-off project “HydroBlink”.  This start-up project aims to produce a new microparticles-based collyrium that supports the natural corneal re-epithelialization process and allows a better recovery of vision for patients undergoing refractive and ocular surgery. 


Nanosystems; Nanogels; Microfluidic approach; Multimodal Imaging; Theranostic; MRI; Optical Imaging.

Currently she is studying the effect due to the combination of difference nanostructured material on relaxivity properties of new class of contrast agent for MRI, exploiting the Hydrodenticity theory. In particular the combination of Silica Nanoparticles, loaded with an FDA approved contrast agent, with a nanogel matrix.