

  • "Supramolecular host-guest flavylium-loaded zeolite L hybrid materials: network of reactions of encapsulated 7,4-Dihydroxyflavylium", R. Gomes, R.Q. Albuquerque, F. Pina, A. J. Parola, L. De Cola , Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2010, 9, 991-995.
  • "Controllable Growth and Field-Effect Property of Monolayer to Multilayer Microstripes of an Organic Seminconductor", L. Li, P. Gao, K.C. Schuermann, S. Ostendorp, W. Wang, C. Du, Y. Lei, H. Fuchs, L. De Cola, K. M?llen, L. Chi , J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 32, 8807-8809 (cover of the issue).
  • "Alignment and Relaxation Dynamics of Dye Molecules in Host-Guest Inclusion Compounds as probed by dielectric spectroscopy", J. Tsuwi, R. Berger, G. Labat, G. Courderc, N.-R. Behrnd, P. Ottiger, F. Cucinotta, K. Schuermann, M. Bertoni, L. Viani, J. Gierschner, J. Cornil, A. Prodi-Schwab, L. De Cola, M. W?bbenhorst and J. Hulliger , J. Phys. Chem. A, 2010, 114, 6956-6963.
  • "Benzo[1,2-b:4,5b`]dithiophene-based copolymers applied in bottom-contact field-effect transistors", M.A.M. Leenen, F. Cucinotta, W. Pisula, J. Steiger, R. Anselmann, H. Thiem, L. De Cola , Polymers, 2010, 51, 3099-3107.
  • "Positively charged Iridium(III) triazole derivatives as blue emitters for light emitting electrochemical cells", M. Mydlak, C. Bizzarri, D. Hartmann, W. Sarfert, G. Schmid, L. De Cola , Adv. Funct. Mat., 2010, 20, 1812-1820.
  • "Efficient Photoinduced Energy Transfer Mediated by Aromatic Homoconjugated Bridges", J. Osio Barcina, N. Herrero-Garcia, F. Cucinotta, L. De Cola, P. Contreras-Carballada, R.M. Williams, A. Guerrero-Martinez , Chem. Eur. J., 2010, 16, 6033-6040.
  • "Quantification of cation-exchanged zeolites by XPS and EDS: A comparative study", S. Fibikar, M. T. Rinke, A. Schaefer, L. De Cola , Micropor. Mesopor. Mater., 2010, 132, 296-299.